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Elevate Your Amazon Sales Strategy with Seller Central Coupons


Discover the potential of Amazon’s automatic merchandising with coupon discounts on individual items or product sets. Customers can easily discover these enticing Coupons through various options, including:

  • Coupons are digital versions of discounts given to customers in physical stores or supermarkets.
  • They provide money off or percentage discounts on eligible products.
  • On Amazon, customers can find coupons in search results, product detail pages, and shopping carts.

Perform a search for coupons using the search box on AmazonAmazon Coupons - Search results

Find Coupon on the product detail page (PDP) Amazon Coupons - Product detail page - PDP

Find Coupon on shopping cartAmazon Coupon - Shopping Cart

  • Coupons have their own prominent landing page in the Amazon store.Amazon Coupons - Lading page
  • No sales history or customer reviews are required to create coupons, making them beneficial for new sellers and promoting newer products that may not be eligible for other promotions.
  • Coupons can be created for both Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) and Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) offers.
  • Sellers can choose the discount amount, budget, and offer duration (up to 90 days) when creating coupons.
  • Customers can apply the coupon by clicking “Clip Coupon” below the product title and image, and the discount will be applied at checkout.Amazon Coupons - Clip Coupons
  • Utilizing coupons can increase the chances of attracting more customers and ultimately boost sales on the Amazon platform.

Creating a Coupon on Amazon: A Step-by-Step Guide

To set up a coupon on Amazon and provide attractive discounts to customers, follow these steps:

Step 1: Access Seller Central
Login to your Seller Central account.

Step 2: Navigate to the Coupon Dashboard
Locate the menu icon situated at the top left corner of Seller Central. Hover over the advertising section and choose “Coupons.”

Amazon Seller Central - Access Coupons


Step 3: Get Familiar with Coupon Information (If It’s Your First Time)
If you are setting up a coupon for the first time, you will land on a page offering more information about coupons. Review the details and proceed by clicking the “Create Your First Coupon” button.

Step 4: Manage Your Coupons (For Existing Coupon Users)
For those who have already set up coupons before, you will be directed to your coupons dashboard. Here, you can see all your submitted coupons and filter them by status. You may edit or deactivate coupons, but remember that changes cannot be made within approximately six hours of the coupon start time. This ensures the coupon’s value to Amazon customers.

Step 5: Create Your Coupon
To create a new coupon, click on the “Create a new coupon” button.

Amazon Seller Central - Create a Coupon

Step 6: Add Products to Your Coupon
Find the product using its Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) or Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN). Click the Magnifying glass icon button and check the checkbox of the desired product. You can add up to 200 ASINs to your coupon. If adding ASINs individually, search by ASIN or product title to manage which products and variations appear on the coupon.

Step 7: Set Duration
Choose the duration of the coupon. Keep in mind that all coupons expire after 90 days. For starters, a duration of two to three months is recommended.

Step 8: Choose Coupon Type and Discount
Proceed to the next step and choose whether to offer a percentage or fixed amount discount. Enter the discount amount you wish to offer. For higher-priced items, a fixed amount coupon is recommended, as customers can quickly see their savings without calculating the discount. Regardless of the type, it is suggested to create a coupon with at least a 10 percent discount.

Step 9: Select Redemption Options
Decide whether customers can redeem the coupon once or multiple times.

Step 10: Set Budget
Enter your budget (which is not a hard limit) for planning purposes only.

Step 11: Craft Coupon Title
Review the guidelines and create an appealing coupon title. This title will appear under the coupon image on the coupons homepage, and the first three words are automatically generated based on the discount. Let customers know which products the savings apply to.

Step 12: Targeting
Select which Amazon customer types will be eligible to use your coupon. You can make it available to All Customers or restrict it to Amazon Prime, Amazon Student, or Amazon Family members.

Amazon Seller Central - Add Product and Details to Coupon

Step 13: Review
Review all the details carefully, and if you spot any errors, use the numbered circles to navigate back and make necessary updates.

Step 14: Submit Your Coupon
When you are satisfied with the details, click “Submit Coupon.” If approved, customers will discover your coupon in search results, on product detail pages, and on the coupons homepage in the Amazon store.

Amazon Seller Central - Review and Submit your Coupon

Create in bulk

If adding more than a few, use the “Create in bulk” option on your Coupons dashboard and upload a spreadsheet with the product information.

Amazon Seller Central - Create in bulk

Fill all the required columns in the Excel template same as explained above for the online form

Amazon Seller Centra - Create in Bulk template

Review and Upload it once you’re done.

Amazon Seller Central - Create in Bulk template upload

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